From Fear to Fantastic... Insights and Experience to Manage the Impression You Make on Camera! | Merit Career Development Blog

From Fear to Fantastic... Insights and Experience to Manage the Impression You Make on Camera!

When he reward for your hard work turns into a terrifying "opportunity" to be video recorded, you could get derailed worrying about the impression you're going to make and your credibility.
How to be Your Best on CameraWith the boom in YouTube's popularity and marketing importance, and the continued growth in consumers preferring to keep up by watching over reading, your skill on camera is more critical than ever. Research has proven that learner retention from video is significantly higher than from text. Here are some stats on video that you should know:

  • Learner retention1: 65% video vs. 10%-20% text
  • People are 75% more likely
    to watch2 a video than read an email
  • Visual are processed 60,000 times faster3 in the brain than text.
If you are asked to speak to a reporter, tv news crew, or anyone with a video camera, you can make or break the impact of your message without event knowing it. Your appearance, behavior, and subconscious actions can conflict or undermine your spoken word. Whether you're representing your industry, company, department, or your own experience, we're sure you want the message to be accurate and meaningful.
Barbara T. Radler, Presenter - BTK Communications Group
Barbara T. Radler, Presenter - BTK Communications Group

At Merit Career Development, we recognized the need to offer these insights to our clients and teamed up with BTK Communications, a recognized leader in video production to create this workshop for you. Barbara T. Radler, the founder and CEO of BTK Communications, has been helping professionals be their best on camera for almost 3 decades. She and her team worked with us to create this experiential program that will be held in a studio-like setting with a professional director, camera crew and teleprompter operator. Participation in this program will change your professional trajectory forever!

During the workshop, participants will learn, in detail, insider tricks and tips from preparing to be on-camera, day-of on-camera production, and post-production impact. Specifically, you will learn through experience:

  1. The impact of sleep and alcohol on being your best on camera
  2. How to impact the impression you make with your clothing and color choices, hair style, make-up, and more
  3. Engaging the viewer with body language, eye focus, and specific mannerisms
  4. How to vary your voice's tone, pace, and volume to control the points of emphasis
  5. How your posture and gestures impact the spoken message (what to do and what NOT to do)
  6. When and how to use Silence
  7. Production and post-production tips
Where else are you going to learn these important insights and have the opportunity to apply them immediately with a camera crew and teleprompter operator?
As you may have learned in your youth, you can never get a second chance to make a first impression, so you want to give this your best effort. To bring this important training experience to your leaders and influencers, contact Jim Wynne at (610) 225-0193 or at

  3. Forrester Research


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